How to be Unsuccessful: Episode 3
Session 3: Success Is… Growing in Depth rather than Volume
A Note for Leaders
Each session of the series is designed to take one hour but can easily be adapted for your group’s needs. We recommend allowing time at the beginning to chat and get to know one another, especially if your group is new.
Each session will include questions to allow groups to talk about what impacted them most – feel free to spend time on the questions that are most helpful for your group, and don’t worry about getting through all the questions! However, if your group prefers to have multiple questions to work through, these are provided too.
We also recommend allowing time at the end for reflection and to pray for one another, especially as each session requires a little vulnerability.
Welcome and introduction
5 mins
In the third session, we’ll explore how being kind – even when it makes us unseen or unsuccessful – may be the greatest influence we can have.
Key verse
He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant.
Philippians 2:7
Begin the session by opening in prayer
Watch the Video
15 mins
Bible passages
Philippians 2:7, Matthew 13:31–33
Summary points
Discussion Questions
25 mins
“Sadly the church is not immune from [trying to gain influence through noise]. If church leaders and Christians-seeking-influencer-status seek to play this game, could it be any surprise that churchgoers are trying to do the same?”
Prayer and practical challenge
15 mins
Finish your time together by closing in prayer or splitting into small groups to pray for one another’s specific needs.
Practical challenge
This week, try fasting from social media.
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